Saturday, 15 February 2014

Spotty Italian Silk makes the perfect partner!

I used a spotty Italian Silk to line the jacket and it brightens up the whole garment. Beth Wyn Fabrics in Brisbane stock an extensive range of silk prints. Visit Joy and Barbara upstairs behind Roses and they'll be happy to help you!

Latest Jacket added to my collection

My latest Chanel Style Jacket is completed. I used a cream/charcoal/yellow combination and added a lapel to it. I fringed the jacket and embellished it with a yellow hand crochet braid. The Tweed is available at alla moda fabric collection in Brisbane and they stock a lovely range of other Tweeds too. Give Kerrie and Jan a call or better visit them in their shop at the Emporium in Brisbane.

For the enthusiastic sewers I run regular workshops in Brisbane. Please contact me for further details, phone 07 3300 3470 or via facebook. Happy Sewing!